Loot Crate October 2016


loot crate October 2016

Loot Crate October 2016

Loot Crate is here and it has everything to make your Halloween that bit scarier with this month’s ‘Horror’ theme. From The Walking Dead to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, this month’s Loot Crate has it all! If you missed out or are wanting to get in on next month’s box keep reading…

Don’t know what Loot Crate is?

Loot Crate is one of the original geek subscription boxes Its been around for a while and there are very good reasons why it has remained so popular boxes for so long. Every month you get 4-6 items valued at over $50 all for as low as £19.99 including delivery. In your Crate you can get  collectibles, t-shirts, home goods and much more! Every box is based around a theme so if you please you can have a rough idea of what sort of items you will be getting this month. Feel free to check Loot Crate out here.

Now lets open the box!…

loot crate October 2016

Just want a quick overview of what we got in Loot Crate October 2016? Here you go:

  • The Walking Dead Negan Sluggers T-Shirt (Exclusive)

  • Leatherface Phunny Plush (Exclusive)

  • Freddy Kreuger Chopsticks (Exclusive)

  • Camp Crystal Lake Pennant (Exclusive)

  • Legion of the Regrettable Supervillains Book (Exclusive)

  • The Walking Dead Walker Mask

  • John Carpenter’s Halloween Pin


Let’s take a look at these in turn…

Walking Dead tshirt

(1) The Walking Dead Negan Sluggers T-Shirt

If you haven’t seem the final episode of the most recent Walking Dead series then you might not know why I am in love with this T-Shirt so much. I won’t ruin anything for you but you better get watching! Seriously such a cool design, might have been more interesting if they had actually put this on a baseball style shirt?



(2) Leatherface Phunny Plush

Leatherface is definitely one of the most terrifying mass murder characters (not that there really is one that isn’t scary), and this plush is not different. That creepy smile will keep me awake for weeks. As you can see I got the ‘Happy’ Leatherface, but you could have gotten the ‘Sad’ version instead. Looking at the pictures I think I would have preferred the Sad one but oh well, mystery is a big part of what I love about Loot Crate


freddy chopsticks

(3) Freddy Kreuger Chopsticks

Definitely one of the more strange items you will get in a Geek Box, these Freddy Chopsticks are bound to draw attention where ever you use them. Now I don’t really eat anything that requires chopsticks however Loot Crate have provided a recipe for Freddy’s Spaghetti & Eyeballs should you feel your Halloween it’s quite scary enough.


Camp Crystal Lake Pennant

(4) Camp Crystal Lake Pennant

Another fantastic piece of memorabilia from another fantastic movie. Hang this above your bed on Halloween and hope Jason doesn’t come to visit!


supervillains book

(5) Legion of the Regrettable Supervillains Book

After more than 80 years of comic books it isn’t surprising that some characters haven’t quite had the impact they were supposed to. This hardback book full of Supervillains has been put together by Quirk specifically for Loot Crate October 2016 to highlights some of the most Horrifyingly bad villains out there.


walker mask

(6) The Walking Dead Walker Mask

Unlike the past 2 crate, this month’s box doesn’t transform into anything but instead you can cut of the bottom of the box to get your very own Walker Mask! Haven’t decided what to go as for Halloween? Why not keep it simple yet scary and wear this walker mask?


halloween pin

(7) John Carpenter’s Halloween Pin

Along with this month’s pin, you will also get a free copy of ‘Superfight’ – A Video Game of Absurd Arguments. I haven’t got around to playing this yet but I’m sure ill give it ago before Halloween.


Overall Opinion

I am really happy with this month’s box and think Loot Crate have done a fantastic job in choosing the items to include in the ‘Horror’ theme box. The T-shirt is definitely my favourite thing this month, and again if you don’t know why you better catch up with The Walking Dead! Despite the fact that I will probably never actually using them, I really like the Freddy Chopsticks as it’s one of those items I would never have gotten for myself but still a really cool collectable.

Want to try Loot Crate out for yourself? Then simply subscribe here.


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