Price: £29 per month

Carnivore Club is the world’s first monthly subscription box of curated cured meats featuring artisans from around the world. Every month your wooden box will come packed full with 4-6 handcrafted cured meats from top artisans. Carnivore Club believe that “Like wine, the laborious craft of cured meats is an art form that requires the diligent pursuit of perfection through endless hours of trial and error…”. Some of the brands that have been in past boxes include: Barilo’s Fine Sausages, Braaitime, Bay Meats, and much more. Feel free to check out Carnivore Club by clicking here to see some of the other meats that have been included in previous boxes.

Getting your hands on this delicious box only costs £29 per month including delivery or you can try it out by buying a one off box at £32. You can check out our promo codes page at anytime for discounts and offers to get the best subscription box even cheaper!

Please leave a rating or comment if you already have this box or are planning on getting it and let others know what you think of this subscription box!


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