Graze November 2016



Graze – November 2016

My Graze box has just arrived for the month of November and I’m really excited to see what we have in store this month. Graze is one of my favourite subscriptions for many reasons: it is extremely cheap compared to every other snack box, pretty much all of the snacks are healthy (which I try to be), and they taste great! Seriously, if you haven’t given Graze a shot you are missing out…

If you just want to know our overall opinion of Graze…

“Graze is the most popular snack subscription box on the market as they offer delicious snacks at a very low price. If you are having trouble finding healthy snacks for you or your family then this could be the best subscription box for you. You can choose which snacks you like the sound of out of their list of 100+ snacks and they will hand pick a box to deliver straight to your door. “

Keep reading if you want to know what I got in this month’s box…



Popping Corn: Lightly Salted:

Calories: 127

Opinion: I am a huge fan of popcorn, although to be fair I normally have the stuff covered in caramel. As this comes from Graze however, it is a much healthier alternative. Containing only 127 calories for the whole bag,  I was pleasantly surprised to see how much was actually in the bag. Obviously it’s not a cinema sized bag but it is the perfect amount for a quick snack. The taste was also great, very fresh and thankfully not too salty, definitely one I would get again.


scandinavian forest

Scandinavian Forest:

Calories: 76

Opinion: So I know what you are thinking looking at the picture, is that it? This is one of those, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it moments as I can assure you this taste a lot nicer than it looks. Included in this pack is: apple, cherry flavoured raisins, blueberries and lingonberries. While I might be slightly biased as I love all of these already, this was a great sweet alternative for something like a biscuit or chocolate bar. The cherry raisins are something else!


summer berry flapjack

Summer Berry Flapjack:

Calories: 237

Opinion: So clearly the least healthy inclusion in the box and unsurprisingly my favourite. I absolutely LOVE flapjacks and this was no different. Unlike a lot of healthy snacks, flapjacks fill you up a lot more (probably why the calories are so much more) and taste amazing. Graze describes these flapjacks as “rustic rolled oat flapjack with berry-infused cranberries”.


toffee apple

Toffee Apple

Calories: 81

Opinion: It is very fitting that only a few days after Halloween and I have toffee apples sent to me! Sadly I didn’t get a toffee apple at Halloween this year so I was very happy to see that I wasn’t missing out. The dried apples are what you would expect but the sticky toffee sauce was delicious! Not only that but this was significantly easier to eat than a normal toffee apple, am I the only one that has trouble eating them?


Overall I was very happy with Graze November 2016 and I felt it had the perfect balance between healthy snacks and sweet treats. Flapjacks are always a winner in my book and the toffee apple sauce was outstanding! Already looking forward to next month’s box… If you are interested in trying Graze for yourself feeling free to check them out here.


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