Glossy Box November 2017 Spoilers


Glossy Box November 2017 Spoilers + Discount Code


As winter comes around we often look for something to warm us up on those cold days and nights. This month Glossy Box are hoping to be that thing that warms you up. Here is what they have to say ahead of this month’s box:


“All hail November: the month of marshmallows bobbing in hot chocolate, log fires and cashmere everything! This month we’re going all Hygge in honour of the trending Danish lifestyle concept that encourages all things cosy – consider it permission to hibernate and be happy!” – Glossy Box November 2017

Glossy Box November 2017 Spoilers


Glossy Box have promised to send us 5 luxury items this month, but not only that, they have said that 4 of these items will be full sized! They plan on giving us products that as essential for these winter months. While obviously not wanting to say exactly what will be in the box, Glossy Box have said that there will be make up, skincare and a beauty tool will many different uses… Hmm what could it be?

Thankfully for that last one we have been given a bit more information…



It’s the ‘Beauty UK Cosmetic Contour/ Powder Brush’. Having extremely short and soft bristles means it is going to be great for blending and buffing as well as making it easy to be even more precise when applying your make-up. You can check out a video from Glossy Box on how this brush can be used 4 different ways here:


I am really excited about this box given that we are getting so many full sized items. In most other boxes we normally only get 1 or 2, it definitely feels like an early christmas present to me!


Let us know if you are excited for Glossy Box November 2017 in the comments down below…

Make sure you aren’t missing out on getting this month’s box by heading over to Glossy Box and becoming a subscriber!

Alternatively you can look at previous Glossy Boxes and our reviews of them. Or use our Find My Box tool to see if there is an even better box out there for you!

Want this box for even cheaper? Use code NOVEMBER8 to get your first box for just £8!



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