Loot Crate September 2016

loot crate

Loot Crate September 2016

So its that time of the month again, Loot Crate! Living in the UK means that sadly I got my Loot Crate a few days later than our US friends. Thankfully it has now arrived and I couldn’t be more excited to show you what we got this month!

Don’t know what Loot Crate is?

Loot Crate is one of the original geek subscription boxes Its been around for a while and there are very good reasons why it has remained so popular boxes for so long. Every month you get 4-6 items valued at over $50 all for as low as £19.99 including delivery. In your Crate you can get  collectibles, t-shirts, home goods and much more! Every box is based around a theme so if you please you can have a rough idea of what sort of items you will be getting this month. Feel free to check Loot Crate out here.


Okay, so now that’s out the way, lets get on with the review!

loot crate september 2016


So, this month’s theme was “Speed” and contained items from Batman, Gone in 60 Seconds, Battlestar Galactica, Iron Man & Flash/Arrow.

If you just want a quick breakdown of what was included in Loot Crate September 2016 then here you go:

  • “Speed” themed Car Box

  • Flash or Arrow Hood Ornament Figure

  • Battlestar Galactica “Scar” Vinyl Replica

  • Stark Industries Racing T-Shirt

  • Batwing Keychain

  • Gone In 60 Seconds “Eleanor” Die-Cast Car

  • Loot Year Pin & Velocity Digital Comic


So lets look at these in turn…

loot crate september 2016

(1) “Speed” themed Car Box

After last month’s Harley Hammer I was excited to see if the box itself would transform into something even cooler. Thankfully I wasn’t disappointed. This month our boxes can transform into a Loot Year Speed Car! I got the red one, which I am happy about, but looking at the magazine it seems you can get either Red, Green or Blue so hopefully you got the colour you wanted!


flash hood ornament

(2) Flash Hood Ornament Figure

Next up is something a little different, a hood ornament for your car. Now before you get too excited, Loot Crate does suggest not to actually display this on your car, while the magnet is relatively strong it won’t adhere to all cars and you definitely don’t want it falling off! As you can see I got the Flash figure which does look pretty cool, but having looked at Arrow in the magazine I think I would have preferred that instead. Nonetheless, still a pretty cool collectible!


battlestar galactica

(3) Battlestar Galactica “Scar” Vinyl Replica

Admittedly, I haven’t watched Battlestar Galactica so may not be as blown away by this ship as some of you may be. However, I did still find this quite cool looking and will be proudly displaying it  (using the stand provided). For people like me who haven’t seen Battlestar Galactica: ” ‘Scar’ is the fastest of the Raiders, the Cylon’s primary attack fleet in the reboot of the classical series.”


iron man t-shirt

(4) Stark Industries Racing T-Shirt

The t-shirt this month is a Stark Industries Racing T-shirt. To be completely honest, I was slightly disappointed by this one. While I like the t-shirt, when I say there was going to be something Tony Stark related, I was hoping it was going to be something a little bit better than this. To give credit where credit is due though, the t-shirt itself is nicely designed and I do like the reference.

batman keychain

(5) Batwing Keychain

Despite really wanting a replica of the Batmobile in the “Speed”, I have to say this is one of my favourite items in this month’s Loot Crate. It’s not all too often that you get Batwing related collectibles, so to get a Loot Crate Exclusive collectible of this is awesome! It’s difficult to tell by the picture but the Batwing itself is made out of metal so it is great quality.

60 seconds

(6) Gone In 60 Seconds “Eleanor” Die-Cast Car

Matchbox cars make for excellent collectibles in my opinion and this car is no different. Part of the “Hollywood Series 7” line, this 1967 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 (which was featured in the Nicolas Cage classic) has been beautifully recreated in this 1:64 replica. Yet another exclusive which is why I am a loyal subscriber to Loot Crate.

loot crate september 2016 pin

(7) Loot Year Pin & Velocity Digital Comic

Loot Crate have definitely stepped up their pin game the last few months, thankfully moving away from the cheap rubbish they used to send. Not only do you get this awesome looking pin but you also get a code to get your own digital copy of Velocity, extra’s are always nice.


Overall Opinion

Being a long time subscriber of Loot Crate, this month is sort of in the middle. It’s not the best crate I’ve seen but certainly not the worst. I definitely like what Loot Crate are doing with the boxes now and I hope this continues as it feels like you get an extra thing for free. I also like the number of exclusives in this month’s box (everything except for the Gone in 60 Second’s Car), as a geek its always nice to have a piece of memorabilia that not everyone can get. I was slightly disappointed with the t-shirt this month but I think the number of things I can display definitely pulled this box up.

Want to try Loot Crate out for yourself? Then simply subscribe here.


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