Loot Crate October 2017


loot crate

Loot Crate October 2017

It’s that time of month again, Loot Crate October 2017! We hope you are as excited as we are to see what we have been sent inside this month’s box…

If you aren’t already aware, the theme for this month is Mythical which means be prepared for all things strange and spooky!


Don’t know what Loot Crate is?

Loot Crate is one of the original geek subscription boxes Its been around for a while and there are very good reasons why it has remained so popular boxes for so long. Every month you get 4-6 items valued at over $50 all for as low as £21 including delivery. In your Crate you can get collectibles, t-shirts, home goods and much more! In recent month Loot Crate have become almost 100% exclusive and so tend to send items you can only get from buying your own Loot Crate. Feel free to check Loot Crate out here.

Loot Crate October 2017 theme

As always here is a quick breakdown of this month’s Loot Crate:

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Mr. Pointy” Bookmark

  • Thor vs Loki PhatMojo Figure

  • Stranger Things Diorama Figure

  • Ghost Busters T-Shirt

  • Your very own Mjolnir (Thor’s Hammer)

  • Dracula Pin

Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Mr. Pointy” Bookmark

(1) Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Mr. Pointy” Bookmark

If this doesn’t take you back to your childhood (especially around this time of year) I don’t know what will. While not the best item we have ever gotten in a box, it is at least very useful. Better than those useful paper bookmarks anyway!


Thor vs Loki PhatMojo Figure

(2) Thor vs Loki PhatMojo Figure

On to our first of 2 figures for this month (we have been treated), and it is undoubtedly an awesome figure for any Marvel fan. This figure has a similar art style to the Alien figure we saw last month. I know some people prefer POP figures but I personally prefer these due to the level of detail.


(3) Stranger Things Diorama Figure

Our second figure for this month’s Loot Crate is from one of my favourite TV series, Stranger Things. I absolutely love this figure and definitely have to say this is my personal favourite item from this crate. Great art style. Great theme. Great figure.


Ghost Busters T-Shirt

(4) Ghost Busters T-Shirt

Of course they had to put Ghost Busters into this crate somehow, it is Halloween after all! I also have to say I am very happy they have chosen to put it on a tshirt as I really like the design and will definitely be rocking this over the next few weeks.


Mjolnir (Thor's Hammer)

(5) Mjolnir (Thor’s Hammer)

This month’s box turns into your very own Mjolnir (Thor’s Hammer). Thankfully this box was very easy to put together, especially when compared to some other months. If anyone remembers the Harley Quinn Hammer from last year then this is basically a re-skin on that, pretty cool.


Dracula Pin

(6) Dracula Pin

Pretty retro looking Dracula for this months pin, and I am really digging it. Will be an awesome accessory for your halloween outfit this year! Plus with this months pin get Thor and Loki in Marvel Puzzle Quest


Overall Opinion – Loot Crate October 2017

I am really happy with this months crate. While items like the bookmark are practical, it doesn’t really blow me away. This is luckily made up for, in my opinion, with the Ghost Busters tshirt as well as the 2 really awesome figures. Overall definitely worth the money this month and it has successfully gotten my into the Halloween mood.

Want to try Loot Crate out for yourself? Then simply subscribe here.


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